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Better Surfing Quiz

This “Better Surfing” Quiz will identify your level of surfing, the skills that could be improved, and the types of training you could undertake to better your surfing.

Better Surfing Quiz

Answer the skill questions that best describe your current surfing performances


When done, we will show you the skills that would most improve your surfing

Better Surfing Journeys

See where you fit on the developmental continuum of surfing and the timeframes to reach a surfer’s performance potential.


  1. Read each question
  2. Click on the question if you can perform the skill with a high degree of success. The question will turn green with a tick indicating a “Yes” answer.
  3. If you can’t perform the skill or you perform the skill inconsistently – leave the question unticked. This will indicate a “No” answer.
  4. Your “Yes” answers will be tallied to provide you with your result and training recommendations.

Section 1. Preparing To Surf

Ocean Observation

I spend time on the beach studying the ocean before surfing?

I know the type of waves I want to catch before paddling out?

I can recognize surf conditions suitable for training my surfing?

Identifying Landmarks

I select landmarks on the beach before paddling out, that can help me position myself better once in the lineup?

I regularly use these selected landmarks or align myself with other landmarks once in the line-up?

I re-check my position in relation to my landmarks after each wave ridden?

Accessing The Break

I look for the easiest access to the line-up as part of my pre-surf preparation?

I use rips, channels, or I jump off a pier/headland to access surf breaks?

When available, I use rips or channels when returning to the line-up after waves ridden?

Section 2. Positioning & Catching Waves

Positioning In The Lineup

Depending on the surf spot, I know the different types of positioning I could employ to catch good waves? (inside, wide of the peak, on the peak, etc.)

I know where I will position myself once I paddle out to start my surf?

Once in the line-up, I can position myself well in relation to the other surfers, helping me catch and ride quality waves?

Catching Waves

I mostly catch the waves I paddle for?

I know when to say "NO" and don't paddle for inferior waves? (flat or closeout waves)

The waves I choose to paddle for and then catch, mostly allow me to perform combinations of manoeuvers?

Pop-up & Taking-off

I have a fast pop-up?

I mostly take-off on the peak, where a wave initially breaks?

I have a good entry into my waves, and rarely do I get "hung-up" in the lip on take-off?

Section 3. Surfing Waves

Creating Speed

I can create speed on take-off by driving a high line when I need to make a long first section?

I can create speed between maneuvers when I need to get to the next manoeuvre quickly?

I surf rail-to-rail in flat sections, instead of bouncing/hopping to maintain my speed?

I can surf fast in small waves?

Bottom turns

I can perform powerful FOREHAND bottom turns that allow me to drive up the wave face with speed and control?

I can perform powerful BACKHAND bottom turns that allow me to drive up the wave face with speed and control?

I know that different bottom turns are used for horizontal and vertical manoeuvres, and I can vary my bottom turns to suit the situation faced?


I perform FOREHAND re-entries successfully, hitting the lip or the foam high and hard?

I perform BACKHAND re-entries successfully, hitting the lip or the foam high and hard?

I exit out of my re-entries with speed and flow (without getting caught in the lip) when performing my re-entries?


When I perform a FOREHAND cutback I get back to the power zone without losing speed?

When I perform a BACKHAND cutback I get back to the power zone without losing speed?

When performing my FOREHAND cutbacks, I try to rebound off the foam?

When performing my BACKHAND cutbacks, I try to rebound off the foam?


I can perform FOREHAND CARVES with drive, power, and control in the pocket section of the wave?

I can perform BACKHAND CARVES with drive, power, and control in the pocket section of the wave?

I can recognize when SNAPS and CARVES need to be performed to suit the wave and maintain my speed and flow?


I perform FOREHAND SNAPS with power and control in the pocket section of the wave?

I perform BACKHAND SNAPS with power and control in the pocket section of the wave?

I know that there are three snap variations that can be performed depending on the section faced?

I can vary my snaps to suit the different pocket sections encountered – so that I maintain my speed and flow?


I perform FOREHAND floaters when faced with a long section and connect with the next manoeuvre opportunity down the line?

I perform BACKHAND floaters when faced with a long section and connect with the next maneuver opportunity down the line?

I can vary my floater's length when faced with longer sections? [increase the "hang" time on the lip]


I mostly finish the waves I ride on my FOREHAND?

I mostly finish the waves I ride on my BACKHAND?

I can vary my finishes to suit the finishing section faced? [re-entries, floaters, "lipline" finishes in suckey sections]

After performing my finishing manoeuvres, I usually kick-out purposely?

Section 4. Advanced Surfing Skills

Advanced Skills

I can mostly maintain my speed and flow between major manoeuvres?

I can vary my manoeuvre combinations as needed?

I can perform Vertical re-entries?

I can perform layback snaps?

I can perform finbust manoeuvres?

I can perform aerial manoeuvres?

I can mostly perform difficult finishes with success? [pitching lip finishes for example]